Here is a list of our favorite links. We hope this list helps you LOCATE / RESEARCH subjects that are of interest to you so you may grow.. If you have suggestions about other sites to include, email your suggestions using our Contact Us page.
Truth for Life
Expository sermons for downloading and other important links. Also, an annual pastors conference focusing on expository preaching.
Desiring God
Well written explanations of difficult life questions, meaningful sermons and useful links.
International Mission Board
Our partners in International missions, so you may explore what they do and where the money goes. We are a very small part of a very large and effective team.
Albert Mohler
One of the brightest minds in Baptist thinking today, articulate, well written and spoken, and helpful.
Uganda Baptist Seminary
We support UBS and its mission to train up leaders for the Ugandan Church.
Christian Book Distributors
A convenient place to buy Christian books, CDs, videos and training materials.